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Make a Difference!



Daniel’s place is committed to providing services, to all people with disabilities and their families.

No family will be turned away because of their financial situation. As a result, Daniel’s Place will rely on charitable contributions to fully serve our clients.

 The median household income for a household with a working-age adult who has a disability is 45,500 a year.

Help a family, like the one below, get the break they deserve!

"...As I get older and my daughter gets bigger these breaks allow me to keep caring for her at home. I love her so much and want to keep her at home with me as long as possible and Daniel's Place makes that possible. Thank you for giving parents like me such a place for our kids to safely go to so we can have a much needed break."


Monetary Donations

Use the donation Button to help us make a difference today and everyday!

Not a fan of giving online? Send a check or cash to 113 W Main St. North Manchester, IN 46962 instead!

Do you have gift cards you don't and won't use? Use the button below to donate the balance on the card to Daniel's Place!
(Note: Some merchants are not eligible)

Donating Wishlist items

Items can be shipped to or dropped off at 113 W Main St. North Manchester, IN 46962

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